Art & Identity in New Orleans

HNRS 109 Spring '18

Ruby Bridges and School Desegregation in New Orleans

There are many aspects that factor into the desegregation of schools in New Orleans and I would like to look more into each of those factors and learn more about Ruby Bridges.

The New Orleans school crisis began in 1960 when four African-American school girls-Ruby Bridges, Leona Tate, Tessie Prevost, and Gail Etienne- attended formerly all-white schools. This was just one step to the desegregation. Many other events factor into this even bigger one. Although the attempts of desegregation started in 1954 after the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka happened, people still did not what their children to go to the same school as African-Americans.

I believe that this was a big issue but has shaped New Orleans into what it is today. I want to delve deeper into the history of schools in New Orleans and the impact of Ruby Bridges on the desegregation of schools in New Orleans.

The questions I hope to explore for my final project are: what is the history of school desegregation in New Orleans and what was the impact of Ruby Bridges on these efforts of school desegregation.

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